October 2024

Can you believe its October already. This month has been busy with Legion week, the Zone C-1 Convention in Listowel and of course there was a flurry of in Branch activity. Darts are back so Thursday nights are hoping again thanks to Bill Kindree and his team of volunteers.

Speaking of volunteers, we are looking for a few who can commit to selling Nevada tickets at Bingo on Sundays from noon until 3:30. It would be great to get a few who could step up for a Sunday a month in order to share the wealth. There is also an opening on the Donations Review Committee. This group meets monthly in advance of Executive meetings, review the donation request and make recommendations accordingly to the Executive and Members for approval.

Café 109 is also looking for a handful of volunteers willing to chip is a couple of days a month and support this new initiative. If your interested in volunteering, please register your name and email address on the volunteer list which is locate at the main bar. We are in the process of enhancing our communications and our newsletters and periodic updates will be sent out to anyone on our mailing list via email later this month. We will be continuing with hard copies in the Legion but we will be adding email to our communication strategy.

If we don’t have your email address, please leave it on the list at the bar and we will get it added to our list. Also feel free to reach out to any of the Committee Chairs and share with them your interest. Without a stable list of volunteers what we do is not possible.

Randy Carroll, Legion President



Randy Carroll, President and

Poppy Chair

Associate Member

Associate Member (1976 - present)

Poppy Committee Chair (2022-present)

President (2023 - present)

Randy Carroll

President and Honours and Awards Chair

John MacDonald

Past President

Matt Hoy

1st Vice President and Banner Program Chair


2nd Vice President

John Hruden, Membership Committee

Veteran joined 1975

Long-time volunteer and benefactor

Membership Chair:  2018 - present

John Hruden

Membership Committee

Bill Kindree, Sports/Track & Field

Bill Kindree

Sports/Track & Field Committee

Dennis Schmidt, Leadership Committee

Joined 1987 Associate Member

Seniors, Sick & Visiting Chair:  1996

Veterans Service Officer:  1996

1st Vice President:  2000-2003, 2011, 2012, 2014

President:  2004, 2015-2016

Training Organization & Development Chair:  2010

Treasurer:  2013

Honours & Awards Chair:  2013-2018

Sports, Track & Field Chair:  2017-2019

Zone C1 Deputy Commander 2017-2019

District C Whip:  2019

Zone C1 Commander: 2020-2021

District C Deputy Commander:  2022 - present

Dennis Schmidt

Leadership Dev. Committee

Sharon Cousins, Ways/Means and Entertainment

Catch the Ace Committee (2022-present)

Sharon Cousins

Ways/Means Committee

Linda Lumley, Sergeant-at-Arms, Bingo and Canteen Committee

Joined 2008 Associate Member

Involved with the Branch Colour Party from the start

Bingo Co-Chair:  2013, 2014

Bingo Chair:  2015 - present

Bingo Canteen Chair:  2019 - present

Sergeant-at-Arms:  2021 - present 

Linda Lumley

Sergeant at Arms Bingo & Canteen Committee

Sydney Elders
Sydney Elders

Youth and Education

Leigha Corbett

Public Relations Officer

Laurie Carroll

Poppy Chair

Cathy Basden

Senior Sick & Visiting

Barb Lassaline


Margaret Cook, Secretary

Life Member

Catch the Ace Co-Chair:  2017 - present

Active member since joining in 1986

Margaret Cook

Secretary and Catch the Ace

Allan Livingstone, Branch Chaplain & Bursary Committee

Joined 2004 Associate Member (LIFE MEMBER)

Branch Chaplain:  2005 - present

Bursary Chair:  2022

Allan Livingstone

Branch Chaplain & Bursary Committee

Steven Bruce

Veterans Services Officer

Barney Purser



Donation Review Chair



Chris Mustakas



Our mission is to serve Veterans, including serving military and RCMP members and their families, to promote Remembrance, and to serve our communities and our country.


The Royal Canadian Legion was founded by Veterans and for Veterans. We advocate for the care and benefits for all who served Canada, regardless of when or where they served. The Legion also provides representation and assistance to Veterans, including currently serving Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP, and their families, and access to our services is available to them at no cost, whether or not they are Legion members. The Legion helps thousands of Veterans each year and makes significant positive changes in their lives.


The Legion understands the importance of honouring past sacrifices and acknowledging the courage of those who served and still serve today. Through Remembrance Day ceremonies, the Poppy campaign, commemorative activities, youth education programs and more, the Legion helps Canadians to honour and remember.


Legion Branches are the cornerstone of communities across Canada, and provide one of the largest volunteer bases in the country. With more than 1,400 Branches from coast to coast to coast, our members provide local services and supports to build a stronger Canada. Whether helping local Veterans, supporting seniors, providing youth sports programs, raising funds, volunteering to help those in need, or simply offering a place to gather for fun and celebration, Legionnaires provide essential services in their communities.


October 2024

Going for country drives to enjoy all of the fall colors, the aroma of pumpkin pie, the tang of apple cider, these are the moments I treasure in October. The beauty before the beast of winter.

It’s also the beginning of our festive catering season in the Ladies Auxiliary and the Soup and Sandwich luncheon during Legion Week was a huge success. The ladies who participated in darts, cribbage and euchre have enjoyed several tournaments over the past weeks.

Our Auxiliary also welcomed several new members last month and if other ladies are interested in joining this dedicated and fun auxiliary, just call me.

Great news is the Ladies will be making Christmas cakes again this fall and if you wish to place an order for November, please call Diane at 519-386-7368 or email divinediane11@gmail.com.

I want to take a moment to thank all of the comrades who have been such a great help to me as I recover from an ankle fracture. This Ladies Auxiliary is a strong group of ladies, working together, helping each other, sharing history and plans for the future, supporting the community and branch. I am so proud to be a part of this auxiliary. Life is so fragile, be kind to yourself every day!!!!!

Diane Mills – President of the Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 109 Goderich



Carpet Fundraiser
Meat Draw, Catch the Ace and Karaoke
Hot Dogs and Fries oh my!
John David Hill (1927-2023)



Each November, Poppies bloom on the lapels and collars of millions of Canadians. The significance of the Poppy can be traced back to the Napoleonic Wars in the 19th century, over 110 years before being adopted in Canada. Records from that time indicate how thick Poppies grew over the graves of soldiers in the area of Flanders, France. Fields that had been barren before battle exploded with the blood-red flowers after the fighting ended. During the tremendous bombardments of the war, the chalk soils became rich in lime from rubble, allowing the “popaver rhoeas” to thrive. When the war ended, the lime was quickly absorbed and the Poppy began to disappear again.

The person who first introduced the Poppy to Canada and the Commonwealth was Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae of Guelph, Ontario, a Canadian Medical Officer during the First World War. John McCrae penned the Poem “In Flanders Fields” on a scrap of paper in May, 1915 on the day following the death of a fellow soldier. Little did he know then that those 13 lines would become enshrined in the hearts and minds of all who would wear them. McCrae’s poem was published in Punch Magazine in December of that same year, and the poem later served as inspiration three years later for Moina Michael, an American teacher. Moina Michael made a pledge to always wear a Poppy as a sign of Remembrance.

During a visit to the United States in 1920, a French woman named Madame Guerin learned of the custom. Madame Guerin decided to make and sell poppies to raise money for children in war-torn areas of France. The Great War Veteran’s Association in Canada (our predecessor) officially adopted the poppy as its Flower of Remembrance on July 5, 1921.

Today, the Poppy is worn each year during the Remembrance period to honour Canada's Fallen. The Legion also encourages the wearing of a Poppy for the funeral of a Veteran and for any commemorative event honouring Fallen Veterans. It is not inappropriate to wear a Poppy during other times to commemorate Fallen Veterans and it is an individual choice to do so, as long as it’s worn appropriately.

Thanks to the millions of Canadians who wear the Legion’s lapel Poppy each November, the little red flower has never died, and the memories of those who fell in battle remain strong.


Throughout the Remembrance period, we see Poppies worn with pride in every corner of our lives to honour our Veterans. The Royal Canadian Legion provides a Poppy Protocol to guide Canadians on appropriate and respectful wearing of the lapel Poppy. However, wearing a Poppy is a personal expression of Remembrance, and how someone chooses to wear a Poppy is always an individual choice. 

How to Wear a Poppy

The Poppy should be worn with respect on the left side, over the heart. The Legion’s lapel Poppy is a sacred symbol of Remembrance and should not be affixed with any pin that obstructs the Poppy. While some have chosen to secure their Poppy with a pin, most Legion Branches provide poppy keepers, clear plastic ends that can be attached to the back of the pin so as not to obscure the Poppy yet still keep it secure.

When to wear a Poppy

The poppy should be worn during the Remembrance period, from the last Friday in October until November 11. The Legion encourages the wearing of Poppies at funerals of Veterans, and for any commemorative event such as a memorial service, or the anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. As well, it is not inappropriate to wear a Poppy during other times to commemorate Fallen Veterans and it is an individual choice to do so.

How to remove a Poppy

Poppies may be worn throughout the Remembrance period, including in the evening after Remembrance Day Ceremony. Some choose to remove their Poppy at the end of the day on November 11. Some choose to remove their Poppy at the conclusion of the ceremony and place their Poppy on the cenotaph or on a wreath as a sign of respect. This has become a poignant tradition each year at the National Remembrance Day Ceremony in Ottawa as thousands of Poppies are placed on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

When a Poppy is removed, it should be stored appropriately or it may be disposed of respectfully. We encourage anyone who finds a Poppy that has fallen to the ground to pick it up and brush it off so that it can be kept or disposed of respectfully. 

While Poppies are always free, The Royal Canadian Legion gratefully accepts donations to the Poppy Fund, which directly supports Canada’s Veterans and their families in need. 

Canadians outside of the country can get a Poppy from Royal Canadian Legion Branches in the U.S., Mexico, Germany and the Netherlands, or through their Canadian Embassy or Consulate.

We invite everyone across the country to honour and remember Canada’s Veterans by proudly wearing this symbol of Remembrance and taking a moment to reflect.


The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109 Goderich is dedicated to supporting Veterans and their families in need as well as providing support to youth groups, seniors groups, local food banks and several other organizations providing essential services to our community and/or within this area. The funds used to afford these donations come from the proceeds of our lottery accounts: Bingo, Nevada tickets, meat draws, and the Catch the Ace lottery

If your request is time-sensitive, please keep in mind that our committee meets on the third Wednesday each month to review requests received since our last meeting. If recommended, we will bring these requests forward to the Branch membership for approval at the next general meeting held on the first Wednesday of the following month. (This means that it could take up to seven weeks to process your request if you didn’t have it in before the third Wednesday of the month.) Once approved, our treasurer will issue the cheque and you will be contacted at the earliest convenience.

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109 Goderich is dedicated to supporting Veterans and their families in need as well as providing support to youth groups, seniors groups, local food banks and several other organizations providing essential

services to our community and/or within this area.  The funds used to afford these donations come from the proceeds of our lottery accounts:  Bingo, Nevada tickets, meat draws, and the Catch the Ace lottery.  

However, we have some restrictions to consider when reviewing requests for donation. 


We do not sponsor individual requesters but rather the local organization to which they belong, i.e. youth sports organizations, local schools, etc.;

We do not donate to assist with the cost of building repairs or renovations;

We do not support blanket organizations whose fundraising practice is to target the Canadian population at large and, more

importantly, when they cannot guarantee the money will be spent locally or at least in Huron County; 

We will not make donations unless there is an emergency (such as our local food banks facing a crisis, etc.)

Thank you for the opportunity to support your organization and our community.

Branch 109 Donation Review Committee


For those interested in signing up as a member of the Goderich Legion, fill out the form available at the bar, or click the button to email us.



Our Legion cannot begin to fulfil its mission to veterans, seniors, local children and the community without the dedicated support provided by our volunteers, both members and non-members.


We can only provide these services by raising the necessary funds at various legion events and the rental of our banquet hall.


You can support your local Legion and its mission by volunteering. You do not need to be a member to volunteer, and although we would like you to consider it, it is not necessary.


If you are interested in volunteering or wish more information about volunteering, please reply through the link below. Let us know what type of volunteering you would be interested in. Some of the tasks might be kitchen help, table setting or serving, assisting at bingo or yard work. Please be sure to provide us with your contact info. including phone and email so that we may discuss how you might become involved.


Legion Branch Service Officers

Legion Branch Service Officers are the eyes and ears of the Veterans Services Network at the grass roots level, who often first come into contact with Veterans and their families. Branch Service Officers assist Veterans by identifying those with unmet health needs and possible benefits from VAC and then making the appropriate referrals to Command Service Officers. 

Provincial Command Service Officers

Officers are mandated by legislation to provide representation at all levels of the disability claim process under the Pension Act or the Veterans Well-being Act. The privacy and confidentiality of Veterans and their families are of utmost importance to the Legion.  The Legion's Provincial Command Service Officers assist at the provincial and national level providing, among other things: 

  • Information and advice on available VAC programs and benefits  
  • Assistance with the preparation and submission of disability claims         
  • Assistance with the claims process from the first application up to and including a Request for Reconsideration with the Veterans Review and Appeal Board
  • Professional advice and assistance in accessing other programs and benefits

The services provided by Provincial Command Legion Service Officers are free of charge, whether or not you are a Legion member.

The Legion also assists and represents still serving Canadian Armed Forces members, RCMP members, and their families.

Assistance with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)

The Royal Canadian Legion's Veterans Services Network works on behalf of Veterans to ensure they receive the benefits they deserve. We offer assistance and information on sometimes-complicated processes. 

The Legion’s Veterans Services Network consists of volunteer Branch Service Officers and Provincial Command Service Officers who provide assistance at all stages of the disability claim process, free of charge, whether or not you are a Legion member. Our representation role is mandated through legislation.

Additional Resources


Client Confidentiality 

To authorize access to confidential client information, the Veteran or their designate will be required to complete and submit a Claim Application Form, with one piece of proof of identity (current and valid), to a Command Service Officer.


Please contact a Legion Provincial Command Service Officer for information on benefits and resources you may be eligible for, or to request assistance with Veterans Affairs Canada disability claim or appeals process. To request assistance please call the Goderich Legion at 519-524-9282 or you may also request assistance for veterans by filling out the form below:



Branch 109 and Ladies’ Auxiliary Bursaries

Branch 109, Goderich, of the Royal Canadian Legion, and the Ladies’ Auxiliary, invites applications for bursaries for educational studies by eligible recipients. Studies must be at any fully recognized university, community college or other institution that leads to a degree or diploma.

Eligible applicants will include:

  1. Veterans, their children and grandchildren;
  2. Ordinary and life members of the Royal Canadian Legion, their children and grandchildren;
  3. Associate members of the Royal Canadian Legion and their children;
  4. Ladies’ Auxiliary members, their children and grandchildren.

To be eligible, applicants will be students who graduate from a secondary school in the current school year or mature students who are accepted into a recognized post-secondary educational institution. Applicants will be considered based on financial need, not academic standing. Bursaries may be up to but not more than $1200.

All selections will be made by the Bursary Committee of Branch 109 of the Royal Canadian Legion, whose decision will be final.

Click here to download the Branch 109, Goderich Bursary Application

This is a link to the Provincial Legion Bursary


*Sign up sheet posted on the sports board


Poster and Literary Contest

Remembrance Contestants are challenged to exercise their creativity and submit a poster on the theme of Remembrance in either colour or black and white. This is a contest to select the most suitable posters submitted by students in the Canadian school system. The posters will be judged at the local Branch and then at Zone, District and the Provincial level. The Provincial winners in the Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior categories will then be submitted to Ottawa for judging at the National level. A plaque will be awarded to the 1st place winner in each category, and to the 1st place winners’ schools. Prizes will be awarded on the recommendation of the judges, whose decision will be final.

Contestants are challenged to exercise their creativity and write an essay and/or poem on the theme of Remembrance. This is a contest to select the most suitable essays and poems submitted by students in the Canadian school system. The essays and poems will be judged at the local Legion Branch, Zone, District and then at the Provincial level. The Provincial winners in the Junior, Intermediate and Senior categories will then be submitted to Ottawa for judging at the National level. A plaque will be awarded to the 1st place winner in each category, and to the 1st place winners’ schools. Prizes will be awarded on the recommendation of the judges, whose decision will be final.

Public Speaking

Ontario Command Public Speaking Contest, part of the Legion's Youth and Education program, is meant to give young people an opportunity to speak in public. The individual chooses their own subject matter for the address. When is the contest held? The contest date is set by each Branch, and is normally in early January or February of the year. The contest progresses through Zone, District and Area levels, concluding at the Provincial level in May of each year. Dates for the contests at Branch, Zone, and District level should be established by the respective chairmen in September of each year, with careful selection being given to ensure that the contests at the various levels are not held on holiday weekends, school breaks, etc. The deadline date for the area contests will be at least two weeks prior to the Provincial Contest which is held on the 1st Saturday in May.

Track and Field

The Royal Canadian Legion’s Track and Field Program allows athletes, ages 17 and under (Youth & Midget) to compete in Track & Field events at little or no cost. The Track Meets consist of Zone, District, Provincial and at National Levels. Some Zone’s and Districts request meet entry fee’s to assist in the expense of the event. However, if selected to attend the Provincial or National meet the Legion covers all cost including travel and accommodation. With the National Meet, athletes spend a week with the selected team learning from experts and each other, building teamwork skills and making new friends, as well as getting to compete in their chosen events.

Bursary Program

The Bursary Program is designed to assist students entering or pursuing their post-secondary education, including courses and programs of a technical and vocational nature, outside of and beyond secondary school. Approved bursary assistance is not based upon scholastic standing but rather on the successful completion of the current year of study and recommendation by the District Bursary Committee.


Students applying for assistance may be granted a Bursary based on documented need in the amount of $750.00 per scholastic year (September to August) as determined by the District Bursary Committee. Students entering a diploma or certificate course, usually of a shorter duration with reduced tuition, may be granted assistance at a rate to be determined by the District Bursary Chairman. Indentured apprentices may apply for assistance for the purchase of tools and instruments.


(1) Ex-Service personnel or currently serving members of The Canadian Forces (Regular, Reserve, and Merchant Navy) and their children and grandchildren. Commonwealth war veterans and their children and grandchildren.

(2) Ordinary and Life members of The Royal Canadian Legion and their children and grandchildren.

(3) Associate members of The Royal Canadian Legion and their children only.

(4) Ladies’ Auxiliary members and their children and grandchildren.

(5) Step children and step grandchildren may be considered where applicable.


Jubilee Hall holds 250 people and is available for rent. For more information please call 519-524-9282 or click here to email us:


Mobility equipment (walkers, wheelchairs, canes and crutches) are available for lending from the Goderich Legion. There is no charge for this service and you do not need to be a member or veteran to access mobility equipment. Please call the Legion at 519-524-9282 and leave a message for John Hoy. You may also send us an email by clicking this button:


Goderich Legion Branch 109

Legion Hours

Cafe 109 (M-F): 9AM to 1PM

Monday: 1PM to 6PM

Tuesday: 1PM to 6PM

Wednesday: 1PM to 9PM

Thursday: 1PM to 10PM

Friday: 1PM to 9PM

Saturday: 1PM to 10PM

Sunday: Closed for Bingo at 12PM





56 Kingston Street

Goderich, ON, N7A 3K4



Please click here to be taken to the Provincial Command.


Please click here to be taken to the Dominion Command.

© Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved. Goderich Legion Branch 109.